I had attempted, with some success, to make myself dream about some writing work I want to complete. I have a few pieces on back burners some are starts and outlines and one in particular is like a fourth or fifth draft. I had been fighting with the completed first draft of this work for a number of years now and was in conflict as to what to do with it, as I had changed the tone of it from its original. I have since decided to go back to the original way I had written the story. What ended up happening was a dream about a work that was no more then a couple of lines that I had written on an impulse. A dream about events that have happened in my life (this is no Rabbit story or On the Road or even a Stand By Me), I am not that interested in semi-fiction or autobiographical writing, though I will read other peoples stuff sometimes. I much prefer horror, but won't discount other styles. I awoke at some point in all this dream thinking and it all stuck with me. I rolled around for sometime, around three hours (I had woken up around 2:30 in the AM), I just lay there wondering about this sort of odd dream, remembering things that had happened to me, some stuff was happy, crazy, some very sad, tragic to me. Wondering what this was supposed to lead to up to, was there a conclusion, preferably short of the ultimate one that we all will face. I finally drift of back to sleep and my dreaming, where I continued to dream of certain events in my life, where I get to see friends lost and relive adventures. Does my mind think I should put these memories to paper, probably. Will I follow through with it... maybe, eventually.
Dreams are odd things as writers tools.
You should write them down -- you never know what might materialize!!